Primarily written by Adrienne, a homeschooling mother of seven, ages 10 and under. She chronicles life, laughs, struggles, and lessons learned as she raises a larger-than-most sized family and tries to figure out what she's doing day by day.

With occasional posts, Alexandra, Adrienne's older sister, writes of her ranch life in Nevada and raising four sons, ages 5 and under. Life is never dull and her boys have given her some pretty awesome stories to tell.

Stick around awhile, and you're sure to laugh, nod, smile, be encouraged, and see what life is like with a big (little) family.


Charlotte got tipped over in the shopping cart on Saturday. Talk about a heart stopping moment. Charlotte was in the cart, Ruby stepped on the side, and over they went. I watched from the other side, diving for a falling cart that I couldn’t catch.

You’ll never guess what they landed in.

Lawn mower blades. A dozen or more lawn mower blades crashed to the concrete store floor all around poor Charlotte. Store employees came out of the woodwork at the sound of metal and concrete colliding – and my baby girl’s head. She escaped mostly unhurt except for a cut behind her ear that’s healing well already.

Ruby jumped out of the way. She learned firsthand why we tell her not to climb onto the side of the cart.

No one told us we had well behaved children in that store.


Julia said...

So glad to hear that no one was seriously injured...and that I'm not the only Mama who has had that happen. Just once. In Target.

Jill said...

OH MY GOSH - so glad she was ok