Primarily written by Adrienne, a homeschooling mother of seven, ages 10 and under. She chronicles life, laughs, struggles, and lessons learned as she raises a larger-than-most sized family and tries to figure out what she's doing day by day.

With occasional posts, Alexandra, Adrienne's older sister, writes of her ranch life in Nevada and raising four sons, ages 5 and under. Life is never dull and her boys have given her some pretty awesome stories to tell.

Stick around awhile, and you're sure to laugh, nod, smile, be encouraged, and see what life is like with a big (little) family.


What we found in the barn this morning:


One baby girl


and twin baby boys



makes three new baby goats born in our barn this morning – from two different does.


So, so fun! So far, Eden named one of the baby boys Lamentations. Charlotte just thinks they are a real live snuggle blanket.


Ros said...

Lambentations... but they are goats!

Unknown said...

Exactly, Carrie. I thought, "We'll have to call him "Lam". But how strange is that?!

Kristin said...

So cute and sweet. Baby animals are a weakness of mine.

Anonymous said...

Are you by any chance studying that book of the Bible? Never know where that girls mind goes sometimes. She's a treasure. Roxanne

Unknown said...

We haven't studied Lamentations, but Eden's always reading on her own. When I explained to her what "lament" meant, she got concerned for a moment. I told her perhaps it was fitting, since for a moment, I thought dear Lammie was a she, and lamenting over finding he was a male was fitting!