Primarily written by Adrienne, a homeschooling mother of seven, ages 10 and under. She chronicles life, laughs, struggles, and lessons learned as she raises a larger-than-most sized family and tries to figure out what she's doing day by day.

With occasional posts, Alexandra, Adrienne's older sister, writes of her ranch life in Nevada and raising four sons, ages 5 and under. Life is never dull and her boys have given her some pretty awesome stories to tell.

Stick around awhile, and you're sure to laugh, nod, smile, be encouraged, and see what life is like with a big (little) family.


What a way to wake up.

I woke up with a start in the dark of night. The coin cup we use for math – a metal cup full of likely 500 coins – had crashed to the ground. It wouldn’t have fallen off the shelf by itself, so I was a little disturbed. Who on earth?! I crept to the doorway and peeked around, wondering what on earth I would find (and what was I going to do about it?! I didn’t even put my glasses on. I wouldn’t have been able to see anything anyhow!) and there were my daughters, attempting to do schoolwork by the yardlight beam coming through the window.

Today is Eden’s birthday, and they’d decided to get up early and do their schoolwork so they could have a fun day. I asked them what time it was. They didn’t know. It was 4:09 a.m.

I shook my head, sent them to work in the kitchen where the light could be on without shining into the bedrooms, and went back to bed. I’m not sure why, since the adrenalin rush from thinking we had an intruder in the house left me shaking and unable to sleep.

Eden finished her schoolwork at 5:09 a.m. (She’d started the night before. After a day that made me shake my head and wonder if those big yellow school buses that take them away are such a bad idea after all, I made her quit because I didn’t want to do school after 5 p.m)

Liberty finished everything but her spelling at 6 a.m.

On the agenda for today: naps, all around.


Anonymous said...

Eden will likely sleep right through her birthday - NOT!! Happy Birthday dear granddaughter. I love you bunches......Roxanne

Lanita said...

What a smart young lady. Another benefit for home can finish your work before school and have your birthday off. It would have been nice if you had had a warning ahead of time though:) What great ingenious children you have!!!

Hills N Valleys said...

That sounds like something my 11 year old daughter would do! They way it is now, she wakes up before me and get's at least half of her work done before I fix breakfast! (what she can do by herself) Gotta love it!

Unknown said...

That's awesome, Joy! Self-motivation is a wonderful thing. In homeschooling, it makes momma's job so much easier!