When we bought our house three years ago, it was immediately obvious that the people who owned it before us really, really liked birds. Really. With a grand total of eight birdhouses on the property, these birds were well cared for. After three years of working more on our own home and less on birds’ homes, the birdhouses were all in a pretty sad state of disrepair. Last Saturday, they all came down. These two were on 15 foot poles, way up in the air. Blaine pulled them out with the pickup for me. One came down with a crash and fell open.
Upon inspection, under all that old nest debris was wallpaper.
Yeah. These people were serious about their bird accommodations.
I'm sure the birds felt much more 'at home' with the wallpaper!! Really now!
I know! All that time spent sitting on nests, at least they had a pretty wall to stare at for days and days...
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